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Starting a new company

Here you will find all the requirements to start a new company in Madriland.

Registration form

Before starting the registration procedure be sure that you can meet all this information:

  1. Companie's name and logo.

  2. List of associates (members of the company).

  3. Office address.

  4. Registration fee receipt (read the instructions below).

  5. Workers insurances receipt (read the instructions below).

Then, push the registration button and fill the form with all the required information.

Company's registration fee

There is a 3.000€ fee you must pay to the Madriland's Companies House if you want to start a new company.



  1. Go to Madriland's bank.

  2. Fill the form you will find in the website.

  3. After a simple bank's verification, you will receive the receipt by email.

  4. Add the receipt to the registration form.

Worker's accident insurances fee receipt

It is mandatory to hire an accident insurance per each worker of your company. Choose the one that best meets your requirements and follow the next procedure:

  1. Go to the insurances simulator website.

  2. Fill the required fields.

  3. Make a screenshot with the final result of the simulation and store it in your computer or pendrive.

  4. Add this file (screenshot) to the registration form.

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